# Look 77

Top/Skirt: .PrettyDeceased. Coco Set Fatpack

Cherries: SEmotion Libellune Sweet Lambert Cherries (Hand)
SEmotion Libellune Lambert Cherries (Lips) Catwa Catya

Nails: Ascendant - Simple Geometry Nails Fatpack - (Color Exclusive for Fatpack)@Sanarae  
Makeup: [LeLuck] Eyeshadow&Lipstick Set Megan

Aghata's Closet

I am a blogger since 2015, but due to some problems with the blog, I had to create a new one. You can check more of my work on my Flickr. There are all my works including the old ones. Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128352702@N02/

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