# Look 226

Bodysuit: DarkFire J.J. Fishnet Bodysuit-FatPack 

Shape: [MJN] Miami Girl Shape - Catwa- {CATWA} - @Ebento (opening on the 10th of april)
Gloss:  [MJN] Glossier Gloss - @Unik (Open on April 7) 
Skin: Insol: Valery skin, 'Peach' tone (CATWA) - (Insol Hunt)
Eyes: Ascendant - Azalea Eyes Fatpack - Catwa/Omega/Mesh

Lashes: [LeLuck]CatwaDramaticFake Lashes
Hair: pr!tty - Honoka - {Browns} tatas+ .boxed.

Aghata's Closet

I am a blogger since 2015, but due to some problems with the blog, I had to create a new one. You can check more of my work on my Flickr. There are all my works including the old ones. Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128352702@N02/

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